Welcome to iFreeTools Creator, your tool for building online database apps.
This guide aims to help you get a better understanding of the iFreeTools platform and its many features.
- Introduction to iFreeTools Creator
- Modeling your Database
- Creating your app-instance in iFreeTools Creator
- Configuring App Settings
- Defining Entities (or "Tables")
- Defining Attributes (or "Fields")
- Single-line text (String) fields
- Normal text fields
- Email fields
- Phone fields
- Web-link fields
- Selection-box (choices / pick-list) field
- Multi-line text (Text) fields
- Yes/No checkbox (Boolean) fields
- Lookup (Reference) fields
- Date fields
- Date and Time fields
- Number (Integer) fields
- Decimal numbers (Float) fields
- Image fields
- Geographical Location (GeoPoint) fields
- List (with String values) fields
- Normal list fields (allows arbitrary values)
- Multi-select list fields (restricts values to given choice values)
- Creating computed formula fields
- Defining validations
- Creating fields with unique values
- Marking fields as Mandatory
- Declaring default values
- Working with your data
- Importing data as CSV
- Exporting data as CSV
- Bulk addition of data
- Bulk edit records
- Bulk delete records
- Creating Custom Views to filter records
- Using Calender Views
- Creating Custom Actions for single-click bulk edit
- Managing Users and Permissions
- Adding Users
- Simple Role based access control
- Using Authorization Profiles for fine-grain access control
- Integration with Google Services